August 15, 2017


phD life is not an easy as ABC. Graduate on time. Some people do, and some people not. Thanks to all my friends who stick with me thru' thick and thin, through my ups and downs (for the time being). Even though this friendship has been test by trials. But still, we stood up. I put aside unimportant things and just concentrate on positive sides. Yes, we support each other. We as phDcandidate never tire of trying. We never tire of holding on. We never tire of being 'strong-willed person'. We rise. But sometimes....we get tired. we get tired of not being motivated. 
trying again...
They are strong but sometimes they are exhausted.

Nota kecil:
May Allah ease our phD journey.
Semoga Allah makbulkan doa yang baik-baik dari doa ibu dan bapa kami.
Semoga Allah makbulkan doa yang baik-baik dari orang yang mendoakan kami tanpa kami ketahui.
Semoga semua berada dalam kasih sayang Allah selalu ;)